Sunday, May 11, 2014

Baby Crows, a Board Book for Eleanor and Olivia

       I've been working on a very special gift for Eleanor and Olivia.  It's my first time using a company called, to make a board book for the granddaughters to look at. The nice thing about this company is that they print all their books in the United States. In a couple of weeks I hope to see my art and verse in a book for my granddaughters to look at.  My talented niece, Graphic Designer Molly, is making sure everything will work when it's sent in.  Here are a few of the illustrations out of a total of 8 that was needed for the project.
The cover of the book, Little Crows.

Look here crow
Some bugs glow!
I'll share more of the illustrations after the book is completed.  The suspense
is kind of fun, but kind of not.  It'll be nice to finally have something in print!